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  • Bishal poudel

BISHAL POUDEL The alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

Updated: May 1, 2020

~it describes people's inability to choose their own destinies.

Its a short story about following your Dream. Its based on the boy who used to rare sheep,i.e he is actually the shepherd.

His father has wished him to became the priest but actually boy wants to travel, he wanted to visit the various place and to know the livelihood of people. He take the courage and said to his father about his interest. Finally his father replied " amongst us ,the only way to travel are the shepherds". So he became shepherd.

later on he had been gone through different doubt,obstacles and changes to know the truth about treasure of his dream.


-Greatest lie of life"

At a certain point in our lives ,we lose control of what's happening to us , and our lives become controlled by fate.

-When you really want something ,it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth.

-if you start out by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work toward getting it.

-Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are.. remember "sometimes" not as a usual manner..

-In money there is magic , whoever has money is never really alone.

-You must always know what it is that you want.

-WHen you want something, all the Universe conspires to help you acheive it.

- People become fascinated with the pictures and words and wind up forgetting the language of the world.

- eat when its time to eat .And move along when its time to move along.

-if a person is living out his destiny, he knows everything he needs to know. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to acheive : the fear of failure.

-Your eyes show the strength of your soul.

- Every search begins with a beginner's luck .And every search ends with the victor's being severly tested.

-"Everything has its destiny, but one day that destiny will be realized . so each thing has to transform itself into something better, and to acquire a new destiny,until someday the soul of the world becomes one thing only."

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