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  • Bishal poudel

The power of subconscious mind

By DR. Joseph Murry

Mind is the center point from where we have been mobilized, So if we are aware that we have complete power on our daily activities , positive and negative aspect, events, performance of our life , we can make it fruitful.


We govern the nature, we govern the environment and also we have power to articulate the each and every aspiration of life. Now all these are deep rooted to the mind , conscious and subconscious . We perform the activities and pass the information from conscious mind . We make up our mind for somebody is good , bad, something is helpful and pass the ideas and command to the unconscious mind. We could have a look a the ship running at the ocean , The commander take the visibility and commands the crew members who are inside the ship. Crew pilots perform, make a turn , overall drives the ship just as per the command of the commander without knowing the environment and path. So as our mind is. From the conscious mind we pass the information to the subconscious mind .

We can take something lightly, as a joke , or just talking casually but that is not separated by the subconscious mind. It takes every command as serious and start to act based upon it.

Our subconscious mind has all the answer to the problem, have the idea to perform, have the path to reach the destination we just have to make it active to guide us . We have to train it to act by passing the things that we actually need and we have to believe on it. There should not be dilemma on passing the information and making manifestation.

Whatever we thrive for, we think of , we desire for can be possible to get with proper valid ways. We have to manifest it, we have to pass the information to the subconscious mind that what our desire is by trying to make it happier and have feel what does it feel like if I achieve that thing.

Our subconscious mind is much more active and calm during the bedtime and while waking up in the morning . This is the time we deliver abundance of manifestation, positive vibes to our conscious mind, that will automatically coded by subconscious mind.

What u need , suppose its a happy relationship with your partner. But you are always being facing the problem , you feel that your partner don't understand you. Now while you go to bed stay calm in the comfortable position and speak lightly or have a thought that ' my partner is great, we are happy with each other, We make up a perfect partner, she/he understand me, I understand her, I wish for her better health ' . Feel that what would you guys do if you have a good relationship, where do you thought of going, what would you eat, what would you talk.. ? Process the answer in the mind think that you are visiting the fav places together holding the hands of each other . Make this thought and repeat it during the bed time and when u wake up in the morning. This process will lead you manage how you behave to each other . You could definitely see the happy relationship .

In our life we are all thrive of wealth and happiness. So what could be the ideas we could get the wealth ,money from the use of subconscious mind. Need to pass the information , sending the message that wealth and success is what you need and want. Repeat the words " Wealth and Success" over 5 minutes daily just before sleep and just after when you wake up.

Whatever you want make a proper image of it, what would happen just after you get it, imagine someone is congratulating you after you achieve the higher position, make a image your name came to the billboard, news. You receive the message of your friends and family " congratulations" , you see your happy face picture in the news article, social media about the promotion, position, job, role.

Try to make the proper mindset for every event of your life. Manage them properly, do not let the emotions, anger , fear colonize over you. Fear is again the obstacle that we create over our mind. Do the things whatever you fear of and try to make own self familiar with it. Act upon it, do it , make a picture of joy not the fear. If you think of fear , fear will come , if you think of progress ,progress will happen.

Bishal Poudel

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